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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not super fit! Can I still sign up for classes?

Absolutely! All levels are welcome at Aerial Arts Fitness and we have classes tailored just for 

beginners. You will see results in a matter of weeks with regular training, and you don't feel like you are working out! All body types, fitness levels, flexibility levels, and experience levels are welcome! Our aerial apparatuses have no upper weight limit, and our bungee classes can accommodate everyone up to 305 lbs. Most of our students come to the studio with no physical fitness experience!


What do I wear to a Pole Fitness class?

We recommend shorts and a tank top. The more skin exposed to the pole, the more surface area you will have for grip. Our classes are done in bare feet, unless specifically mentioned in the class description. Safety is our first priority, and we believe basic pole technique should be learned in bare feet first. Avoid using lotions before class as these will interfere with your grip.

What do I wear to an aerial class?

We recommend leggings and a supportive top of your choice! Covering your midsection skin for beginners is preferable to most as you get use to the feeling of the apparatus. 

What do I wear to a bungee class?

We recommend leggings or athletic shorts, an athletic top, and comfortable sneakers. 

Can I just show up for classes, or do I need to sign up online?
You are NOT guaranteed a place in class unless you are registered online. If you come to the studio without signing up, you will only be allowed into the class if there is a space available. 


Are men allowed to take classes?

Yes! More and more men are realizing the strength gained from pole fitness. But don't be surprised if our strong and talented women make it look easier than it really is!

How old do I have to be for class?

Our regular classes are available to everyone ages 13 and up. We offer kids and pre-teen aerial classes for children ages 8-15 years old. 

What is your refund policy?

We do not give cash refunds under any circumstances. 

What is your late or cancelation policy?

For a credit refund- must change or cancel class 3 hours before a class starts. 

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